We accept contributions from all sorts of businesses, from home-based bakers to lesser-known neighbourhood family stores and major services. As long as it’s kids-related, and is a cool and fun activity or service, we’ll accept it!

If you know a business that doesn’t fit the above categories, do let us know at [email protected] and we’ll assist you in placing it, or expand our categories to suit.

Mandatory details for a listing include:

  1. The full name of the business
  2. The contact details of the business (Phone number etc.)
  3. Location details (if it’s a physical store) and contact
  4. The category or categories it belongs to
  5. A brief description of the business or how it relates to the category you have chosen
  6. At least 1-3 photos of the business (how it looks, the services/products/menu, or interior)

For businesses, especially home-based businesses, we ask that you provide their social media pages or contacts so that we can send users to support them and their work!

As we are a local directory based in Singapore, we ask that the listings you post are preferably local businesses based in Singapore as well, or have branches/services in Singapore that our users can access readily. Do provide us as much information as possible to help other users on the site!

We currently allow anyone to list a business, as long as they have signed up for an account on the site. You can sign up for an account under the “Sign Up” button, and fill in the necessary details according to the form.

Do note that we will vet the listings that are posted on the site for their authenticity, so there may be a brief waiting period where your listing is being approved.

None! Listing a business and signing up for an account is free. As we plan to keep the basic functionalities of the site free for our users, we may run ads to help keep our servers running.

Currently, we allow users to submit listings and review businesses on our platform. Users can also upload pictures of the businesses they’ve been to, and customise their own user profiles.