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Jan 11
How Best to Say ‘Ni Hao’

1.3 billion people in the world speak Chinese. Seeing as there are approximately 3,000…

Jan 07
Get Your Cut On

There are so many parties to attend during the new year, which means just as many…

Jan 05
Back to the Present

With the new year upon us, some parents are counting down the days to a whole new…

Stories from Around the World

Grade expectations: ‘I sailed through school so why is my son struggling?’

Parent and lecturer Ian Tan found studying easy and expected his son to perform equally well at school. When the boy struggled, this dad found himself unprepared and mistakenly imposed [...]

Go far, go together: How secondary schools support teens in need

When schools face students with chronic absenteeism, they dig deep to identify the students’ needs and find solutions. They also partner the community to draw a ring of support and [...]

Levelling up: How primary schools support students from disadvantaged backgrounds

In this article exploring how schools support underprivileged students and their families, we meet Mr Kelvin Koh, the upper primary Year Head of St Anthony’s Primary School. He explains how [...]

‘Winning as parents means making competition fun’

From piggyback squats to language skills, every challenge is fair game in the household led by “Bababear” Imran Johri and “Mamabear” Ivy. But it's not just about the laughs –- [...]

Creating safe, supportive spaces for her students puts a smile on her face

To bring smiles to her classroom, Miss Amirinazeb D/O Aurangzeb tools up with innovative ideas for more engaging lessons and sits with the students who need more care. [...]

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